Welcome to the
Madras Municipal Airport
Master Plan Update
Online Open House

Due to social distancing measures, the open house for the Madras Airport Master Plan Update is being offered in-person and online. We invite you to learn more about the project below.   

Welcome –  Online Open House (self-guided tour)

This online open house will provide the community, neighbors, and other project stakeholders to learn about the Airport Master Plan project and preliminary development concepts.

Part 1: Introduction
Learn about the project goals.

Part 2: Standards
Airport facilities analysis. 

Part 3: Airside, Terminal, and Landside Alternatives
Learn about the proposed alternatives.

Part 4: Contact Information & Additional Comments
Learn how we’ll use your feedback and how you can stay involved with the process.

We invite you to participate by scrolling through the text and alternatives and share your comments in this online format.

Part 1:  Introduction

The evaluation of future development alternatives represents a critical step in the airport master planning process. The primary goal is to define a path for future development that provides efficient use of resources and is capable of accommodating the forecast demand and facility needs defined in the master plan.



Part 2: Standards

Airport Facilities Analysis

Based on the updated inventory of facilities presented in Chapter 2, existing airfield facilities were evaluated for conformance with applicable FAA standards. Figure 1 & 2 depict a small number of conformance issues identified for the existing configurations of runways, taxiways and apron/taxilanes at Madras Municipal Airport:

  • The north access taxiway that extends beyond the end of Runway 16 is defined as an aligned taxiway (aligned with the extended runway centerline), which is not a recommended design by FAA. The taxiway connects the ends of Runway 16 and Runway 22. The 2010 ALP depicts elimination of the taxiway as part of the replacement and relocation of Runway 4/22.
  • The taxiway configuration will be reviewed in the airfield development alternatives, and modified as needed based on the preferred alternative.
    The taxiway that accesses the middle of the turf operating area is directly aligned with Taxiway A2, which creates a crossing in the middle one-third of Runway 16/34. FAA design guidance defines taxiway crossings in the middle one-third of a runway as a “high energy crossing,” which is not recommended.
  • The Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) for Runway 22 extends off airport an over a public road (NW Dogwood Lane). The FAA’s current RPZ policy identifies roads located in RPZs as incompatible land uses.
  • Some hangar taxilanes in the terminal area do not meet FAA standards for ADG I taxilane object free areas (TOFA) (39.5 feet from taxilane centerline to adjacent structure).

It is noted that some ADG III standards have been historically protected for Runway 16/34 and Taxiway A, particularly for establishing development setbacks that are compatible with ADG III aircraft. These standards are depicted on the 2010 ALP.

Part 3: Airside, Terminal Area, and Landside Alternatives

Airside Alternatives

Airside 1
The runway configuration in Airside Alternative 1 is based on the preferred alternative depicted on the 2010 Airport Layout Plan, with specific refinements reflecting updated assessments. 

Runway 16/34

  • R1 and R2 runway extensions are proposed at the south end of the runway.

Crosswind Runway

  • The future configuration closes Runway 4/22 and replaces it with a new 3,000 x 60-foot crosswind runway.


  • The aligned taxiway that provide access to Runway 4/22 is removed as part of the crosswind runway replacement/relocation.

Helicopter Operating Area (HOA)

  • As presented, the development area includes a helipad, aircraft parking apron, and hangar sites adjacent to the apron.
  • The helipad location exceeds the 700-foot separation required for all existing and future runways to accommodate simultaneous operations in VFR conditions. conditions.

Airside 2
The runway configuration in Airside Alternative 2 maintains and modifies the existing crosswind runway (4/22) and locates the HOA near midfield on the west side of Runway 16/34.

Runway 16/34

  • The proposed R1 and R2 runway extensions are divided between the south and north ends of the runway with reserve parallel taxiway extensions.

Crosswind Runway

  • Runway 4/22 is retained and upgraded to a future 3,000 x 60-foot dimension. 
  • Shifts the Runway 22 end approximately 1,025 feet west to clear the Runway 22 RPZ and NW Dogwood Lane. 
  • A 1,324-foot extension is added to the west end of the runway, in addition to increasing the runway width from 50 feet to 60 feet. 


  • The existing aligned taxiway and the small bypass taxiway are closed and a new access taxiway is provided to Runway 4/22.
  • The reconfiguration of Taxiway A4/A1 to conventional 90-degree connection presented in Airside 1 is maintained. 

Helicopter Operating Area (HOA)

  • The development has the same footprint and expansion area as Airside 1, with minor adjustments to the hangar development area and the access road.

Terminal Area Options

The primary focus of the terminal area concepts is to consider expansion options for the general aviation terminal building, which also accommodates fixed base operator (FBO) operations. Based on input from city staff, a 2,000-3,000 square foot building expansion should be planned based on current and projected needs. The Terminal Area options provide general footprints for expansion and proposed changes to vehicle parking and access. The building currently has 28 paved parking spaces, including 2 ADA spaces with sidewalks.

The conceptual layouts are intended to provide a broad indication of expansion potential within the site. An architectural evaluation will be required to identify any expansion limitations associated with the existing structure, and to define space allocations and configuration within the building.

Improvements to the existing aviation fuel storage area, located immediately north of the terminal building, are also incorporated into the terminal area options. Local fire codes dictate minimum setbacks required for fuel storage and structures and other features. 

Landside Alternatives

Landside Alternative 1A – Central Landside Area (ADG I)
Landside Alternative 1A proposes redevelopment of ADG I taxilanes (25 feet wide) to serve existing and future hangars.

Landside Alternative 1B – Central Landside Area (ADG II)
Landside Alternative 1B modifies the hangar layout in Landside Alternative 1A, with the addition of an ADG II taxilane (35 feet wide) serving the eastern hangar row as part of the Phase II redevelopment. 

Landside Alternative – South Landside Area
Proposes development of new ADG I and II conventional hangars, south of the south Quonset hangar. This area has historically accommodate aerial applicator operations, and currently accommodates one operator. A former aerial applicator operations area is fenced off and currently supports a non-aeronautical use. 

Landside Alternative – North Landside Area
Proposes development of large commercial hangars north of the Erickson Collection Museum hangar. Hangars sites and long term development reserves are identified along the west side of the proposed extension of NW Berg Drive. Non-aeronautical development is proposed on the east side of the road, which is consistent with the recommended use for the area depicted on the 2010 ALP.

Part 4: Contact Information 

A two-week public comment period will be provided for the draft Alternatives Analysis chapter. All reviews, including public, PAC, FAA, ODA, and other stakeholders are anticipated to conclude approximately 30 days following the April 15, 2021, public meeting.

For additional information contact:

David Miller | Senior Aviation Planner

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