Portfolio //Project
9th Avenue Waterline Replacement
Hillsboro, OR
440 LF
8” DIP Installed
New Water Services
As part of the 9th Avenue Waterline Replacement project, Century West provided preliminary and final engineering for the abandonment of an existing 6-inch steel waterline, construction of 440 linear feet of new 8-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP), and four new water services. Project challenges included:
- Large concrete-encased communications duct bank crossing waterline
- High pressure gas lines with Northwest Natural cathodic protection grounding station and grounding well within project limits
- Scheduling restrictions due to adjacent elementary school
Sherman Avenue Water & Wastewater Rehabilitation
South Bench Reservoir, Wells, & Transmission Main Project
Northport Reservoir & Water Treatment Project
Eastside System Improvements
Greenridge Water Association Consolidation Projects
Port of Hood River, Aviation Technology & Emergency Response Center Project
City of Newport Yaquina Heights Waterline Replacement
Coast Avenue Waterline Improvements
Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Phase 1 & 2