Portfolio //Project
Northeast Milwaukie Sewer Extension Project
Milwaukie, OR
$3 Million
Project Cost
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funding
Century West was responsible for design and construction observation efforts of approximately 15,000 linear feet of 8- and 12-inch sanitary sewer pipe across public right-of-way and nearly 30 private easements within an area directly adjacent to the easterly boundary of the current City of Milwaukie limits. In addition, over 2,000 linear feet of 10-inch sewer main was increased to 12 inches through pipe bursting in order to minimize surface disturbance within a residential area. 25 individual service laterals were also reconnected to the larger sewer main.
This project was funded by a $4,000,000 grant/loan as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Other improvements included a 0.30 million-gallon-per-day submersible pumping station to serve a portion of the new area to be serviced. The remainder of the flows will be transferred through an existing collection system within the City of Milwaukie. Extensive coordination efforts with City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services and City of Portland Parks and Recreation along with both public and private utility companies were necessary to install the pipe and gain permission to work adjacent to their facilities. The project involved conceptual design followed by preliminary and final design. Full-time construction observation services were also provided by Century West field staff.
This project was funded by a $4,000,000 grant/loan as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Other improvements included a 0.30 million-gallon-per-day submersible pumping station to serve a portion of the new area to be serviced. The remainder of the flows will be transferred through an existing collection system within the City of Milwaukie. Extensive coordination efforts with City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services and City of Portland Parks and Recreation along with both public and private utility companies were necessary to install the pipe and gain permission to work adjacent to their facilities. The project involved conceptual design followed by preliminary and final design. Full-time construction observation services were also provided by Century West field staff.
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