Port of Portland On-Call Services

Portland, OR


10 Years

The Port's only on-call firm


Projects completed with the Port


Century West is pleased to be the only firm selected as one of the Port’s on-call firms in multiple selections over the last decade. We pride ourselves on delivering services to the Port of Portland that meet the Port’s requirements for professionalism, technical accuracy, responsiveness, flexibility, aesthetics, and fast-track elements. Through this on-call we have assisted in many types of Port needs including permitting support, airfield design, municipal design, specification support, and the general questions that clients have as they are navigating projects at their airport.

We pride ourselves in our ability to assist the Port across all the Port’s landside and airside needs in various forms in a manner which results in successful projects. We are assisting the Port with a construction cost comparison, life cycle cost analysis, and design and construction support for the rehabilitation of Airtrans Way.