Davenport Wastewater Transmission and Disinfection Improvements

Davenport, WA


Provided Construction Management Services

Completed Under Budget


Century West provided design, construction management, and inspection services for improvements to the City’s collection and treatment systems. The project included replacing the City’s sewage lift station that pumps all of the City’s wastewater to the treatment lagoons. Due to the wide range of flows as a result of infiltration and inflow this lift station was designed as a triplex submersible station. The project also included completing a parallel force main from the new lift station to the lagoons, a chlorination/dechlorination system for the treatment discharge to the creek, an operations building, and emergency generator. The project was completed with Washington State Department of Ecology Centennial Clean Water Funds. With monies left over in the budget, the City added new wastewater auger style screen ahead of the lift station to eliminate pump clogging and grease buildup in the lift station. Century West provided the design and construction management for this addition.

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