Portfolio //Project
Fairfield Wastewater Treatment System Improvements
Fairfield, WA
3.6 acres
Constructed Wetlands
$1.8 Million
Project Cost
Century West designed improvements to the Town’s wastewater treatment facility. The project included re-evaluation of the Town’s Facilities Plan and design of a new aerated lagoon and constructed wetlands treatment. The $1.8 million project included a new aerated lagoon, 3.6 acres of constructed wetlands, conversion of one existing lagoon to a flow equalization basin and one lagoon to a new wetlands treatment cell, two lift stations, influent screening, and effluent disinfection. Century West also provided construction observation and management.
Airway Heights Correction Center Reclaimed Water Implementation
Washington Correctional Center Reclaimed Water Implementation
Wastewater Collection System & Treatment Facility Upgrades Design
Sherman Avenue Water & Wastewater Rehabilitation
Hayden H2 Lift Station Replacement Project
Sprague Lift Station Improvement Project
Tekoa Influent Lift Station Project
Davenport Wastewater Transmission and Disinfection Improvements
Airway Heights Recreation Center Utility Upgrades