Auburn Municipal Airport – Airport Master Plan

The City of Auburn is updating the Airport Master Plan for Auburn Municipal Airport (S50) in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to address the airport’s needs for the next twenty years. The Airport Master Plan will provide specific guidance in making the improvements necessary to maintain a safe and efficient airport that is economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. The purpose of the Airport Master Plan is to define the current, short-term and long-term needs of the Airport through a comprehensive evaluation of facilities, conditions and FAA airport planning and design standards. The study will also address elements of local planning (land use, transportation, environmental, economic development, etc.) that have the potential of affecting the planning, development, and operation of the airport.

Project Schedule

Airport User Survey

The attached airport survey is intended to provide our consultant with information on the current and future use of the airport. We would encourage all airport users at AMA to complete a survey and return it to Century West by December 7th.

Planning Advisory Committee Meetings

Final Draft 

For more information, contact Century West Engineering at:

421 North Pearl Street #206, Ellensburg, WA 98926

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