This project focuses on the Main Street corridor from Gazley Bridge Road to 1st Street. This roadway section lacks continuous pedestrian facilities and bike lanes for students, staff, and other constituents along this section of roadway. This is exacerbated by high-speed vehicles, multiple unmarked street crossings, and numerous driveway connections that are often wide and uncontrolled. The Main Street project will include the construction of continuous sidewalks, buffered bike lanes, ADA-accessible curb ramps at driveways and intersecting streets, school warning signage/markings, high visibility crosswalks, and one or more Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) near the Canyonville School and other high pedestrian locations. The project will also include pavement rehabilitation and stormwater system improvements to capture, convey, and treat stormwater runoff.
Construction tentatively scheduled to take place in 2023 and 2024.