Greg Reince, PE joined Century West in 2014 after studying at the University of Idaho. He is now a Project Manager in our Bend office, with experience in both the public and private sectors. In addition to having experience compiling plans, specifications, and estimates for a variety of airport and municipal projects, Greg has performed construction inspection on a range of projects including new taxiway construction and a state highway pavement overlay.

What was it about Century West Engineering that drew you to the company?
I’d have to say Aviation work. I’d always wanted to pursue this type of work.
How does Century West support you in your career goals?
Century West allows me the flexibility to balance family and work life. I watch my kids (two young daughters) on Thursdays and Fridays, and everyone is accommodating with meetings and work expectations on those days. Instead of a rigid schedule, I’m able to adjust productivity to my lifestyle. I’ll work longer days earlier in the week or occasionally on weekends and its been invaluable to my family.
What kind of support and professional development opportunities have you received from the company?
I started out as a Staff Engineer. I was able to complete Project Management training through PSMJ (Professional Services Management Journal) and have been promoted to Project Manager. Early in my career as a staff engineer, I was usually focused on one or two projects at a time. The first project I saw from scoping through project closeout was a $300,000 apron expansion at the Cle Elum Municipal Airport. I participated in every aspect of the work from design, writing specifications, bidding, construction management, and even some inspection. It was a great opportunity for me to see a project from inception to completion. I took the knowledge and experience from that project and apply it to any project I work on. I’m now able to work with individual teams on multiple projects concurrently. During last winter’s big design push, I was managing 5 different projects with construction values ranging from $200,000 to $4,000,000. Drawing on the experience I gained at Century West during the early stages of my career has equipped me with the ability to handle projects of vastly different sizes and complexity.
What are your interests outside of work?
I enjoy golfing, biking, and spending quality time with my family.

What is something you’ve always wanted to learn or try, but haven’t had the chance yet?
Get my pilot’s license! I took an introductory flight in College to get a sense of the flight school but couldn’t pursue it at the time due to cost. Fast forward 10 years and two kids, it’s even more challenging to try and make the time for it. But it’s on the bucket list.
What kind of projects have you worked on during your career?
I’ve worked on airport improvement projects ranging from electrical improvements, pavement rehabilitation, to full reconstruction and drainage/grading projects.
The project I’m most proud of is:
The Auburn Runway Extension project. I was involved in all phases of the work (Environmental Assessment, Design, Bidding, Construction Management, and Closeout). Construction kicked off in April 2020, and we had to navigate through Covid-19 restrictions, but the work was successful and completed on time and within budget.
What would you want engineers looking for a job to know about Century West?
We’re still growing, so work hard and you can advance in the company and have a hand in its future.