Spokane International Airport Taxiway Reconfiguration

Spokane, WA


2 Year

Construction Phase

2 of 8

Taxiways configured as high-speed exits


Century West provided engineering services to reconfigure and relocate numerous taxiways on Spokane International Airport’s airfield. Due to a runway lengthening project, some of the exit taxiways were located in less than ideal positions and others had pavement sections at the end of their service life. We developed new layouts and replacements to better serve the needs of the airfield.

This project included coordination with numerous airport stakeholders and included the development of extensive phasing plans to allow the airport to remain operational throughout the two-year construction phase of the project. Two of the taxiway exits were configured as high-speed exits per Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements, and another taxiway was relocated and redesigned to eliminate a hot-spot issue on the airfield.

Century West efficiently performed preliminary planning and design tasks to finalize the location of the high-speed exits and taxiway connectors and eliminate the airfield “hot-spot.” These tasks involved extensive coordination with Airport and FAA staff in order to recommend taxiway configurations that met the needs of the Airport while maintaining adherence to FAA design standards. Once taxiway configurations were finalized, Century West performed final design tasks that included full contract documents and construction drawings. Eight taxiway reconfiguration designs were prepared which included the design of concrete pavement sections, storm drainage infrastructure, erosion control, airfield lighting, signage, marking, and infield grading. Century West performed final design tasks on time and within budget and assisted the airport with obtaining FAA grant funding for the overall project.