Port of Port Angeles, Fairchild International Airport, Hangar Site Utility Extension

Port Angeles, WA


Century West recently completed design engineering and construction support for a sewer and waterline extension at the Airport. These utility extensions provide service to three existing t-hangars as well as five future hangar sites. Century West assisted the Port in receiving the first ever issued Community Aviation Revitalization Board (CARB) loan to fund both design and construction of this priority project. Design of this project had several complicating factors including many existing utilities already in the corridor. Century West evaluated alternatives and proposed an alternate routing for the sewer line which avoided several conflicts with existing utilities. We also anticipated poor soils in the area due to previous use as a log yard. We included a force account bid item to cover over-excavation of poor materials and trench dewatering during construction. Construction of this project was completed on schedule in September 2020.

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