Airway Heights Correction Center Reclaimed Water Implementation

Airway Heights, WA


Century West provided design and construction inspection and management services to the DOC under our DES Civil Engineering On-Call contract. The project was for the design of a new reclaimed water system across the AHCC campus and connection to the irrigation system. Connections to the boiler plant and the laundry facilities were also designed with automatically activated, redundant potable water backup plumbing to ensure that the facilities were not out of water if there were a disruption in the reclaimed water supply. Special design considerations included disconnection of the irrigation system from the potable supply to safeguard against any potential cross-connection issues including premises isolation for both the potable water supply and the reclaimed water supply. During construction, Century West had to come up with an innovative way to keep the facility with a usable source of water while the potable water supply was cut off to install a Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly that interrupted the only source of supply for the campus. Century West performed significant coordination and permitting with the City of Airway Heights, WSDOH, and Ecology. The design was completed in mid-2020, and Century West provided construction inspection and administration services through final completion in 2021.

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