North Clackamas Revitalization Area Sewer Improvements

Clackamas, OR


50,000 feet

Gravity Sewer


Under Budget

$9.48 Million

Final Project Cost


Century West provided the design of collection system improvements to service a large area of unsewered homes in northern Clackamas County. The multi-year project included three separate construction bid packages with an overall construction budget of approximately $11 million. The project was funded by monies from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund and the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Extensive environmental documentation was required to move the project through the state and federal funding process. Approximately 50,000 feet of gravity sewer varying in diameter from 8- to 12-inches plus over 800 individual service laterals will ultimately be installed to each home and vacant lot within the service boundaries.